Coquitlam Public Library


Library Non-Profit


Access online learning and training, eBooks and eAudio, streaming video, and digital newspapers and magazines, through our Explore & Learn page. Get a library card to access to many of these resources by signing up for a library card online via our website 

We offer reasonably-priced room rentals and small study rooms.

Our mission is to nurture joy in discovery by providing inviting, innovative spaces and services that promote learning and knowledge and engage all of Coquitlam’s diverse communities.

Additional Info

Business Hours : Monday - Thursday 9 - 9 both branches; Friday - 9 - 9 both branches; Saturday 10 - 5 both branches; Sunday 10 - 5 City Centre, 12 - 5 Poirier


#ShopChamber Deals


Anthea Goffe
Executive Director

Ryan Jamieson
Director - Service and Facilities

Mr. Jay Peters
Manager, Programming and Community Connections

Ms. Lily Vukasovic
Office Manager

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