Mark George - Royal LePage ELITE

Earn Rewards for Referrals! Get $25 Instantly & $500 for Successful Deals!

Know Someone Looking to Buy or Sell a Home?

I’d love to help them—and I’d love to thank you for your referral!

  • When you refer someone to me, I’ll send you a $25 Amazon or Starbucks gift card as a token of appreciation.
  • If your referral results in a completed real estate transaction where I earn a commission, I will reward you with $500 in cash OR donate $500 to a charity of your choice.

✅ No need to follow up—I’ll keep you updated.
✅ Open to homeowners, investors, and first-time buyers.
✅ Simply introduce us via email, text, or a quick call—just send their name and contact info to 604-723-8110 or, and I’ll take it from there! 

Restrictions may apply based on real estate regulations in BC. Contact me for details.

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